CACFP Food Program

What is the CACFP? The Child and Adult Care Food Program is a federally funded program that provides reimbursement for healthy meals and snacks served to children and adults. Family Focus provides healthy meals following the food requirements of the CACFP program.
FAMILY FOCUS is a CACFP SPONSOR – Family Focus is a non-profit agency committed to providing community based services in the Mid–Coast area. Family Focus is contracted by the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services to sponsor Home Day Care providers who meet the requirements. The program is administrated by individual State agencies. These agencies are contracted to provide payments for eligible meals served to children and adults that meet the age requirements and attend a licensed center or home day care.
Family Focus is a CACFP Sponsor in the following counties Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Androscoggin, Lincoln, and York. If you are a home provider in one of these counties looking for a sponsor agency please click on the link below. Family Focus uses Kidkare CACFP software system to complete reimbursement claims.