Infant Child Care

Infant childcare is for ages (6 weeks to 15 months old)
Quality infant care feeds a baby’s growing brain, building the foundation for them to thrive. Quality of care ultimately boils down to the relationship between the care educator and the child. Family Focus infant educators have specialized knowledge, experiences, and skill in early childhood development. Family Focus uses a nationally developed curriculum (Creative Curriculum) that supports positive association with early social and emotional development, leading to more competent peer relationships during early childhood and into the school years. The infant schedule follows the needs of the individual child throughout the day. Children are assessed four times a year with parent conferences twice a year. Assessments are used to set children’s individual goals and build the daily learning activities”
Curriculum – The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos, includes goals and objectives for children’s learning in all areas of development: Social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. Goals and objectives show where you want to go; the curriculum tells you how to get there.