Preschool Childcare

Preschool Childcare is for ages (3 to 5 years old)
In a high-quality preschool, children will learn to strengthen their social and emotional development. Family Focus combines three different nationally rated curriculums (Creative Curriculum, Tools of the Mind, and PreK for ME) to build daily experiences. Children learn how to compromise, be respectful, and problem solve. The responsibility of Family Focus preschool educators provides an environment for children to explore, gain a sense of self, play with peers and build self-confidence. Children learn they can accomplish tasks and make decisions. Behavior management is a major part of preschool learning. Experienced preschool educators support children find answers through exploration, experimentation, and conversation. Assessments are used to set children’s individual goals and build the daily learning activities.
Curriculum – The Creative Curriculum for Preschool incorporates research findings as well as new requirements for addressing content. With its emphasis on the role of the teacher in connecting content, teaching, and learning, the Curriculum is a comprehensive approach to working with young children. Tools of the Mind curriculum for preschool age children is a comprehensive curriculum that presents content in an integrated, developmental way so that instruction forms a coherent whole. Instructional strategies used in Tools are a combination of child-initiated activities, teacher scaffolding and explicit instruction, individualization through multiple levels of scaffolding and on-going use of assessment data to tailor interactions to meet individual needs. Progress is monitored daily, weekly, and monthly. Pre K for ME is adapted from the Boston Public Schools’ Focus on K1 curriculum and is aligned with Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards. Pre K for ME includes learning experiences intentionally designed to support children in the domains of math, language, literacy, and science.