Public Pre-K

Brunswick Public Pre-Kindergarten is for ages
(4 to 5 years years old)
The Brunswick School Department has partnered with Family Focus to provide children with a Pre-Kindergarten experience facilitating their success by nurturing their academic, social and emotional development. Our PreK for ME curriculum is intended to actively engage students in their learning, and to provide them with regular opportunities for hands-on activities and outdoor experiences. We strive to support the development of students who love learning and are resilient, empathetic, engaged members of the community. We also believe that offering public PreK increases the opportunity for all students and families to equitable access high-quality, early childhood programming.
Family Focus also offers extended care options for working families how need care outside of the normal school day hours.
Curriculum: Pre K for ME is adapted from the Boston Public Schools’ Focus on K1 curriculum and is aligned with Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards. Pre K for ME includes learning experiences intentionally designed to support children in the domains of math, language, literacy, and science.